Thursday, September 3, 2020

Strategic analysis Kodak Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Vital investigation Kodak - Essay Example Accomplishment in present day world requires consistent advancement and change - things the greater part of the association are not known well overall. This condition changes so quickly that even as well as can be expected blur quick. Maybe this is the explanation that condition is so imperative to an association. The outside condition of Kodak is mind boggling. As Kodak is concentrating on imaging business, this market is the crucial market for it. In computerized age, an ever increasing number of exercises are identified with advanced methods, same as increasingly more business are gotten from computerized innovations. Advanced pattern, to be sure, speaks to a drawn out danger to Kodak's center business - silver print. In spite of the fact that specialists differ over to what extent it will take for computerized imaging to begin contracting the overall customary imaging market, that day is doubtlessly coming. As per Lyra Research, a statistical surveying organization in US, the overall film deals will become just 1% every year through 2003 and gradually contract from that point forward, while advanced imaging business will extend 20% every year in next five years (Kodak inside showcasing article, 2001). One approach to consider the serious situation of Kodak is by methods for the Directional Policy Matrix (Thompdon, L. J. 1993: 470). ... a. Examination of External Environment Achievement in present day world requires steady development and change - things a large portion of the association are not known quite well. This condition changes so quickly that even as well as can be expected blur quick. Maybe this is the explanation that condition is so critical to an association. Serious Environment of Kodak The outer condition of Kodak is intricate. As Kodak is concentrating on imaging business, this market is the fundamental market for it. In advanced age, an ever increasing number of exercises are identified with computerized implies, same as increasingly more business are gotten from advanced innovations. Computerized pattern, in fact, speaks to a drawn out danger to Kodak's center business - silver print. In spite of the fact that specialists differ over to what extent it will take for computerized imaging to begin contracting the overall conventional imaging market, that day is unquestionably coming. As per Lyra Research, a statistical surveying organization in US, the overall film deals will become just 1% every year through 2003 and gradually shrivel from that point forward, while computerized imaging business will grow 20% every year in next five years (Kodak interior promoting article, 2001). Presentation of Directional Policy Matrix One approach to consider the serious situation of Kodak is by methods for the Directional Policy Matrix (Thompdon, L. J. 1993: 470). This network is developed over two tomahawks: the Industry Attractiveness in level hub and the association's serious situation in vertical pivot. By assessing applicable variables of these two measurements we can put fitting situations for examined association. Customary Imaging Computerized Imaging Industry Attractiveness Market Growth Low High Provider

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Chromosomes and Heredity essays

Chromosomes and Heredity expositions The hypothesis of the hereditary premise of heredity was very incredible until the hour of Gregor Mendel who demonstrated with his examinations on pea plants that living beings acquired their characteristics from their folks. It was Mendel who previously recommended that qualities were the essential units of all living life forms. Kids get a large portion of their chromosomes from their dad and half from their mom and henceforth they share the character characteristics of their guardians. Every person has two complete arrangements of 23 chromosomes, which are answerable for controlling all the real capacities. Each parent in impact contributes one complete arrangement of the 23 chromosomes to the kid. Hereditary data is put away inside the chromosomes in the types of DNA strands and there are around 40,000 qualities, which are answerable for educating the ribosomes to union explicit proteins. (for explicit capacities). A specific quality is answerable for a specific character quality and guardians give qualities to their youngsters, which is the crucial guideline behind legacy. Besides every quality may have at least two various structures known as alleles. The hereditary cosmetics of an individual called the genotype is really the blend of these acquired alleles. An individual may either have homozygous alleles or heterozygous alleles. Alleles for a specific attribute may either be prevailing or latent. The phenotype (physical appearance) of the individual is controlled by the articulation of the predominant alleles. There are a few situations where neither of the alleles are absolutely predominant in which case the phenotype is a mix of the phenotypes of both the alleles. So we see that the phenotype or a definitive physical characteristic of an individual is straightforwardly needy upon the hereditary data got from the guardians. ... <!

Friday, August 21, 2020

Formal Essay in Human Relationships and Life Transitions Being an Adult Essay Essay Example

Formal Essay in Human Relationships and Life Transitions Being an Adult Essay All through this exposition. I will talk the section of youth. This entry is a period of advancement among youth and development. from around 12 to 20 mature ages old enough. This entry from adolescence to development is smooth for some however unsmooth for others ( Caspi. 2000 ) . This exposition will talk unsurprising and non-unsurprising components of the entry. Wellbeing in youthfulness gives this includes drugs A ; liquor abuse and explicitly familial contaminations ( STIs ) are delegated erratic components. Physical Development ( natural structure developing and physical modifications during youthfulness ) or Puberty and Cognitive Development are delegated an anticipated part during the entry. It will other than investigate the effect on connections and develops of sense of self for people set abouting the entry. Moreover. it will think about the pieces of present day and original journalists to portray the contrasts between the two days of old and nowadayss creators/researcher’s speculations in fear of the pre-adulthood life entries. Another factor that will be examined is the build of self image during the entry. thus in the end it will extensively elucidate the significance for medical caretakers to comprehend the immaturity section. We will compose a custom article test on Formal Essay in Human Relationships and Life Transitions Being an Adult Essay explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Formal Essay in Human Relationships and Life Transitions Being an Adult Essay explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Formal Essay in Human Relationships and Life Transitions Being an Adult Essay explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer A. The significance of unsurprising and erratic components in Adolescence entries will help in putting the significant adjustments in each life occasion section. Besides. it will other than benefit in back uping youngster to run into yearning modifications all through the section. The main unsurprising segment is pubescence the natural entry of puberty. the most observable sign of being a youngster. Hypothetically. pubescence alludes as a corporate term to make reference to all the physical modifications that happen in the turning miss or male youngster as the single base on ballss from youth into development ( Habermas A ; Bluck. 2000 ) . In young men a significant adjustment is the expanded creation of testosterone. a male sex endocrine. while young ladies experience expanded creation of the female endocrine estrogen ( Dedovic. Wadiwalla. Engert. A ; Pruessner. 2009 ) . In young men a significant adjustment is the expanded creation of testosterone. a male sex endocrine. while young ladies experience expanded creation of the female endocrine estrogen ( Carpentier A ; Fortenberry. 2010 ) . Inside. through the improvement of boss sexual highlights. youngsters become equipped for sexual multiplication. Remotely. as optional sexual highlights show up. misss and male childs start to seem as though develop grown-up females and work powers. In young men essential and auxiliary sexual highlights regularly rise in an anticipated request. with the quick developing of the balls and scrotum. joined by the visual part of pubic hair. In ulterior mature ages. it will get down the developing of facial and body hair. also, a slow turning down the volume. Around mid-youthfulness inward adjustments start doing a male youngster fit for bring forthing and shout excursion sperm. In misss. sexual highlights create in a less customary succession. Regularly. the main sign of pubescence is a little lift of the chests. be that as it may, now and again this is gone before by the visual part of pubic hair. In pre-adult misss. inner sexual modifications incorporate aging of the belly. vagina. what's more, different pieces of the generative framework. Menarche ( Cochrane. 1993 ) . Ordinary ovulation and the capacity to move a darling to full term regularly follow menarche by a few mature ages. The second unsurprising segment is Cognitive Development entry a second segment of the change through youth is an intellectual section ( Champion A ; Collins. 2010 ) . Contrasted with kids. youngsters think in manners that are further developed. increasingly effective. furthermore, all things considered progressively mind boggling. Pre-adulthood people become preferred capable over children to accept about what is conceivable. on the other hand of confining their plan to what is existent. While children’s thought is arranged to the here and nowâ€that is. to things and occasions that they can distinguish straight. youngsters can perceive what they see against a foundation of what is possibleâ€they can accept speculatively. Second. during the progress into puberty. people become better ready to accept about unique musings. This is plainly found in the adolescent’s expanded establishment and inclusion in accepting about relational connections. political relations. teaching. confidence. what's more, moralityâ€topics that include such dynamic develops as well disposed relationship. religion. vote based system. value. what's more, honestness. Third. during youthfulness people starts accepting all the more as often as possible about the technique of trusting itself. or then again metacognition. As an outcome. youngsters may uncover expanded self-examination and disquiet. In spite of the fact that advancements in metacognitive capacities give of import normal favorable circumstances. one conceivably negative by product of these progresss is the tendency for youngsters to build up a sort of pride. or then again serious distraction with the sense of self. Intense juvenile vanity some of the time persuades that others are perpetually watching and estimating them. much as a group of people sticks its taking care of a histrion on a stage. Though kids will in general accept about things one feature at a clasp. fledglings can see things through increasingly muddled focal points. Youths depict themselves as well as other people in increasingly separated and confused footings and happen it simpler to take a gander at employments from numerous positions. The capricious components are health related issues in pre-adulthood are liquor and other medication use. Investigation with psychotropic substance is across the board during puberty. Psychoactive substances are obviously occurring or incredible stuffs that follow up on the sensory system. changing perceptual encounters. tempers and conduct. They go from obviously happening substances. for example, intoxicant. which is created from the disturbance of works sugars by barm. to planner medications, for example, bliss. Most adolescent analysis with various substances. speaking to substance use and in some individual’s experimentation grows into acclimated or enduring use known as substance abuse. They other than occupied with â€Å"binge drinking† which beginning in late mature ages. Glut guzzling is characterized as the consecutive utilization of at least five standard beverages in under two hours. Different elements of flighty health issues is explicitly familial diseases. pre-adult sexual conduct may uphold a significant health risk to young people through an extent of explicitly transmitted contaminations ( STIs ) . Explicitly familial diseases are bacterial and viral contaminations that enter the natural structure by means of the mucose layers of the oral hole and the sex organs following physical contact. Explicitly transmitted disease incorporates pox. gonorrhea. venereal lice. itchs. chlamydia. herpes. venereal moles. hepatitis and HIV/AIDS. The ground for the high paces of STIs in youngsters is that this age bunch is progressively inclined to sexual experimentation and dangerous sexual practices than other age gatherings. Perilous sexual conduct incorporates unprotected sexual action without using boundaries, for example, rubbers. sexual movement influencing different life partners and sexual action influencing mates whose sexual is obscure. B. The effect on connections and builds of self image for people set abouting the entry is built up by an individual singularity a cardinal endeavor of pre-adulthood is fruitful affirmation of Erikson’s psychosocial emergency of distinction versus work disarray. Distinguish development includes specifically fusing a few aspects of prior youth independence and hurling others. Fruitful statement of the independence emergency of pre-adulthood relies upon the odds to try different things with various cultural capacities and exercises. Singular contrasts place achievement are because of development. sex capacities. equivalent impacts. raising habits and life fortunes experienced by fledglings. which may increment or reduce chances for geographic undertaking. Self-idea depends on more dynamic convictions and qualities than the solid and similar considerations of sense of self during adolescence. Expanded of point of view taking capacity may reveal ‘true’ and ‘false’ self images comparable to connections with various individuals. in any case, this can reflect positive experimentation with various capacities that add to self-idea. Confidence lessenings essentially between kid self-idea and mid-youthfulness. what's more, mor e drastically for misss than for male childs. The sex contrasts is likely tied down to sex-job contrasts. more noteworthy natural structure picture disappointment in misss than in male childs. also, the differential consolation to respect that sentimental connections bring to juvenile male childs and misss. Parent â€child connections become less hilter kilter term s of the level of influence during pre-adulthood contrasted and youth. as a result of adolescent’s push for freedom. There are wide single contrasts in the evaluation of freedom accomplished by youngsters. contingent upon raising habits and social and sex based standards and mentality. During adolesce. close same-sex cadres and bigger. looser mergers o

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Equity portfolio management - Free Essay Example

Introduction Equity portfolio management includes passive management and active management. This two type of management are different in theory, objective and strategy. Some argue that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“hybridà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  active/passive equity portfolio management styles exist, but such styles really are variations of active management philosophies (Brown, and Reilly, 2012). In this article, firstly, we will define active and passive management and discuss about the differences between these. Secondly, we will talk about the strategies of active and passive management with some example. Thirdly, we will analysis two managementsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ advantages and disadvantages with some examples. Finally will be a recommendation of management style choosing. Differences between Active management and passive management Active management refers to a portfolio management strategy where the managers make many specific investments with the goal of outperforming an investment benchmark index (Fuller, Han, and Tung, 2010) The aim of active management is to deliver a high return in the whole market. In another way to say, it aims to beat the return from a particular market index or benchmark (Vanguard, 2012). Investors could choose an adapt opportunity to adjust the portfolio, which could achieve the maximum profit and minimum risk. The active management is based on the assumption of inefficiency market; the debenture always has the correctness of pricing when the interest rate changed. Active management also depend on the human element, such as team managers, the single manager or co-managers, which could operate the portfolio with a convenience, efficiency and flexible way (Loth, 2014). The human element could depend on the current market to analyse, judge and forecast the debenture with their own experience; they know the time, when will buy or sell. Moreover, active management does not believe the efficient market hypothesis, managers believe that the market always has some incorrect price and other leaks, which is unconscious; they could use these leaks to maximum the profit. Passive management is a financial strategy in which a fund manager makes as few portfolio decisions as possible in order to minimize transaction costs, including the incidence of capital gains tax. One popular method is to mimic the performance of an externally specified index (Fuller, Han, and Tung, 2010). The goal of a passive portfolio is to match the returns to the index as closely as possible (Brown, and Reilly, 2012). This management believe the efficiency market hypothesis; it determines that the time line of market could reflect all the information, some specific stock pick will be fail, and the best strategy of investing is based on the index. (Loth, 2014) the passive management just follows the market, and have a less charge, all the data of stocks will be analyzed by the computer, and show to the investors. When the investors uses the passive management, it is that the investors do not care about the good performance of specific stock, they focus on the whole stocks have a good performance, and get the profit. Investors need collect all the stocks and bonds to achieve an excellent return. (Anspach, 2014) In conclude, an active decision could be thought as an investor making choices among many possible choices in order to create a portfolio. Passive investing is commonly viewed as not involving very many, if any, active decisions or arbitrary choices in the investment process. Strategies Active management strategies Active management strategies include fundamental, technical and asset allocation strategies. Fundamental strategies include the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Top-Downà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Bottom-Upà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ approach. Top-down approach means that managers could start looking at the market as a whole, and then determine which industries or sectors are likely to do well given the current economic cycle. When the choice has made, the selection of specific stocks will be possible to have a best for a company. The Bottom-up has ignored the market conditions and expected return. Companies are based on the financial statement, product line, P/E, Growth and others to evaluate themselves, this approach means that the well-running companies will have a good performance, no matter what market conditions and expected return. (Loth, 2014) Secondly, Technical strategies means that the charts or grapes could determine the direction of stock, investors could depend on these direction to buy or sell. It could show the market is bull or bear, determine the time of buying or selling, and forecast the trend of stocks. Such as the Moving average, which is 50 days and 100 days, when the line of 50 days over the line of 100 days, this is a sign of buying, which means that the price of stocks will increasing in the future, or reverse. Contrarian investment strategy means that investors could buy some poor performance stocks, and sell them when these stocks have good performance. The price momentum strategies means that the good performance stocks will maintain a while, investors could buy these stocks, and sell them when these stocks get better. The earnings momentum strategies means when the earning per share of a company is increasing, then the sales or other index will increasing, investors could depend on this way to buy sto cks, which get the profit. The last on is the asset allocation strategies, which include the integrated asset allocation, strategic asset allocation, tactical asset allocation and insured asset allocation. The strategic asset allocation means that investors could hold the stocks and bonds as their asset, such as if an investor hold 50% stocks and 50% bonds, which has historical 10% and 5% return per year, then the total return of asset will be 7.5% per year. The tactical asset allocation could be a short-term; investors could continually adjust the asset to adapt the changing market. This way is flexible, which could fit for the different market situation. The insured asset strategy means that the portfolio of investors should have a basic return, if the portfolio achieves the basic return, the investors should increase the management, and achieve the maximum return. If the portfolio maintains the basic return, the investors will have a riskless asset. The investors and managers could change the weight of asse t, and over the basic return. Integrated asset allocation could examine the capital market conditions, investorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s objectives and constrains, this considers the economic expectation and the risk when the investors establish the mix asset, could not only consider the expectation, but also the actual change in capital market. It analyses the ability of risk tolerance. Investors could depend on the actual market situation to make the decision for changing mix asset or improve the mix asset. Passive management strategies For the strategies of passive management, it is index portfolio strategy, which include the full replication, sampling and quadratic optimization. Full replication means that the managers could purchase by the weight, which is similar with the index, which could be easy to track the index. The sampling means that ETF could provide a lot of pure physical replication, therefore, using the sampling techniques could be a good way to find a adapt index, in general, fund could utilize sampling to choose the index, and weighting. Such as the MSCI world index has more 1,600 sticks, buying all stocks is impossible, and inefficient, using sampling to choose a small weighting could achieve the correct target. Moreover, sampling is a cheap and statistical way, through buying the sample stock could know the weight in index. A small number of stocks could determine that the charge is less, fewer problem of reinvestment, and less difficult for rebalance. (Hughes, 2014) The quadratic optimization could comfirm the mix investing, which depend on the historic data and relevant information. This way could significantly decrease the tracking error for the index. The market will change with the time, which may cause the incorrect index. The formula is, the tracking error could be determined by . Therefore, investors could reply on this way to minimum the error of tracking index. Analysis and Evidences Through the comparison of passive and active management, investors could directly know when they should use the passive or active management, or how to use them. The passive management has some advantages, the investors have a lower fees, they do not need to analyse the stocks in the index, and it has transparency, investors know the time to buy or sell some kinds of stocks, moreover, the hold and buy of index fund will not large tax, because of the limited investing amount. The tax efficiency is high. The passive investor also could avoide the challenges and costs, which associate with the active managers. In the complex world, the smartest people also could stumble, and go to trouble. Beating the market is a difficult thing. However, passive management require the investors accept the configuration of indexes, no matter how risk holding and inherent. The SP 500 is managed by a committee which considers many factors, such as market capitalizations, sector representation, liquidity and positive earnings; holdings are adjusted regularly. By contrast, the Russell indexes has a rule per year, which is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“to ensure new and growing equities are reflected.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Poor performance Companies, in some cases, can be a material portion of a Russell index. In the case of bonds, some indexes do not account for defaults until they occur and occasionally contain illiquid securities (Whitehead, 2012) The passive management also will assumes a significant weighting to individual securities. The stocks will be larger, the money is valued by market capitalization in the indexes, which lead to the emphasis on some good performance companies or industries, forcing them to undertake the risks. Such as, over 30 percent of the SP 500 was invested in the energy sector in the 1970s and in technology and telecommunications in the 1990s, and 20 percent in financials, then in few years, the collapse of those sectors was because of large cap passive portfolios. For individual companies, passive management expose investorsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ risks. For example, Nortel accounted occupy 36 percent in the Toronto Stock Exchangeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s main index in 2000, then its market capitalization dropped from $250 billion to less than $50 million, and bankruptcy in January 2008. Likewise, the top five mega-stocks occupy one-third of the loss in the SP 500 when the technology bubble burst in 2000. T herefore, the index may cause a significant risk. (Whitehead, 2012) For the advantage of active management, firstly, there is an opportunity for outperformance in active management as it aim to beat the index. Active management is flexible, which is different with the passive management, not require hold specific stock or bond. The hedging is also important, which managers could use short sales and put option to protect the investors minimum the losses. The investors could go out the specific holding risk, moreover, the active management could maintain the investors have a stable investing strategy and principle, higher average level record, and restrict risk management. For the disadvantage of active management, active management have a significant pressure, when the manager operate the investing, these mangers afraid the failure, they are always cooperation each other, they are investing defensively and avoid big error. The active management also will have relevant risk, such as the loss of personnel or clients, lagging performance, out-favour of strategy or style. The change of investing principle will lead to change of ownership. Recommendations The manager of active management maybe more useful in specialised areas, such as the technology, smaller companies and the emerging market. Passive management is suitable for the easy trade, such as Smetters, people has known this company that active managers are unlikely to gain any special insight. (Wharton, 2015) In my recommendation, the passive management is better than active management. This result is depend on the investorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s behaviour, current stock market, managerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s attitude and lower risk. Moreover passive management has lower charge, and convenience, investors could depend on the index to adjust their asset, and buying stocks. In recently, the active managers has a negative attitude, they afraid the fail, and be negative to make decision. Therefore, the passive management is better. References: Anspach, D. (2014) What Is The Difference Between Active and Passive Investing? About Money. [online] Available from: [Accessed 12 March, 2015]. Brown, K.C. and Reilly, F.K. (2012)Analysis of Investments Management of Portfolios. 10th ed. Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning. Fuller, R.J., Han, B. and Tung, Y.N. (2010) Thinking about indices and passive versus active management.Journal of Portfolio Management. 36 (4), pp. 35-47. Hughes, E.A (2012) Replication strategies for exchange-traded funds. FT Adviser [online]Available from: [Accessed 12 March, 2015]. Loth, R. (2014) Passive VS Active Management. Investopdia. [online] Available from: [Accessed 12 March, 2015]. Vanguard Asset Management (2012) Active and passive investing What do you need to know. [online]Available from: [Accessed 12 March, 2015]. Wharton, University of Pennsylvana (2015) Active vs. Passive Investing: Which Approach Offers Better Returns? [online] Available from: [Accessed 12 March, 2015]. Whitehead, R. (2012) Active versus passive investing. [online] Available from: [Accessed 12 March, 2015]. 1

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Battle of Antietam Essay - 1916 Words

September 16-18, 1862, outside of the town of Sharpsburg, Maryland, between the Potomac River and Antietam Creek, was the location of the bloodiest battle in American history. Confederate Colonel Stephen D. Lee described it as â€Å"Artillery Hell† because of the frightful toll on his gunners and horses from Federal counter battery and infantry fire. (AotW, 2014) The battle of Antietam, or the Battle of Sharpsburg, would collect an estimated 23,100 total casualties (Luvaas and Nelson, 1987). The body count far exceeded any of the other three battles waged in the Maryland Campaign (Harpers Ferry, South Mountain, and Shepherdstown). This battle was a contributing factor in the outcome of our country and the rest of the world. The Union Army†¦show more content†¦Let us probe deeper into our countries darkest days. Civil War: Many notable Officers served during the Antietam battle that shaped the outcome of the Civil War. Major General George B. McClellan commanded the Federal Army comprised of 87,164 troops and 275 artillery cannons, while General Robert E. Lee commanded the Confederate Army with 41,000 troops and 194 guns. (Alexander, 2013). Along with notable Officers, there was notable Non-Commissioned Officers (NCO). One such NCO, who received a battlefield commission, was â€Å"Commissary Sergeant William McKinley (later President) of the 23rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry who distinguished himself during the Battle of Antietam for getting needed rations to his men during the heat of battle.† (Elder, 2003) Before the conflict between the North and South over freeing the slaves, the two sides always had conflict over certain issues such as differences in cultures, differences in climate and differences in geography. Their differences really became a problem when talks about the gaining of Nebraska and Kansas as states and whether they should be slave or Free State. During the time before the Civil War, the slaves worked hard with no pay. The treatment of slaves was harsh and they never were treated as U.S. citizens. In 1860, Abraham Lincoln became president with the Republican Party, having anti-Slavery elections. TheShow MoreRelatedBattle of Antietam1281 Words   |  6 PagesMarx Bacungan Battle of Antietam Notes On September 17, 1862, Generals Robert E. Lee and George McClellan faced off near Antietam creek in Sharpsburg, Maryland, in the the first battle of the American Civil War to be fought on northern soil. [1] Though the result of the battle was inconclusive, it  remains the bloodiest single day in American history, with  more than 22,000 casualties. [1] General Robert E. Lee advanced into Maryland, believing that the potential strategic and politicalRead MoreThe Battle of Antietam Creek600 Words   |  3 PagesThe Battle of Antietam Creek The Battle of Antietam Creek was a very bloody and important battle in the Civil war. The battle was fought by two different armies within the Union and the Confederacy, The Army of the Potomac (Union) and The Army of Northern Virginia (Confederate). Antietam Creek is located just to the east of the Potomac River in Maryland. The battle was fought on a hill just above the west bank of Antietam Creek. The Army of the Potomac, who was on the offensive, was pushing towardsRead MoreThe Battle Of Antietam : The Bloodiest Battle1810 Words   |  8 PagesThe Battle of Antietam is the bloodiest battle in American history. On September 17, 1862, approximately 22,720 soldiers were either killed, wounded, or missing after the gruesome fight. This battle halted the Confederate general’s drive through Maryland and caused General Lee to withdraw into Virginia. Although contributed as a Union victory, since the Confederates withdrew south of the Potomac River, McClellan loss his chance at dismantling Lee’s Army. General McClellan’s usual hesitation allowedRead MoreEssay on Battle of Antietam1561 Words   |  7 PagesThe following case study will be about the Battle of Antietam that took place on September 17, 1862 in Sh arpsburg, Maryland along the Antietam Creek. Known as â€Å"†¦the bloodiest single day in American History,† by the end of the day there would be approximately twenty-three thousand casualties of which forty-five hundred to six thousand were dead. The first topic of discussion will be on the history leading up to the morning of the seventeenth in order to establish the mindset of the commanders onRead MoreThe Battle Of Antietam ( Sears )984 Words   |  4 Pages â€Å"The roar of the infantry was beyond anything conceivable to the uninitiated† wrote a Union officer during the battle of Antietam (Sears). The battle of Antietam was just one of the many battles of the American Civil War, and possibly the most significant. This battle was a pivotal point during the war, which gave the North the power to win the American Civil War. There are three main reasons why there was a civil war in the United States. One well known reason was slavery. The South wanted toRead MoreThe Battle of Antietam Essay2907 Words   |  12 PagesAbstract The Battle of Antietam took place on 17 September 1862, near Sharpsburg, Maryland. The battle was fought between General Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia and General McClellan’s Army of the Potomac. Although the battle lasted only 12 hours, it was a significant point of the American Civil War, as well as the deadliest day in history. Tactically the battle was considered a draw, but the North claimed strategic victory and President Lincoln published the Emancipation Proclamation, freeingRead MoreEssay on The Battle of Antietam1234 Words   |  5 Pagesexpect the Confederates to take advantage of this and capture Maryland and maybe even Pennsylvania. He was instructed to hurry. Hurrying was not a trait that McClellan was known for. McClellan took his time and began to draw out on paper how this battle would be won. He then began moving troops around, combining armies from all regions. As McClellan was doing this President Lincoln became inpatient and ordered McClellan to move. Lee had outlined his whole strategy and told of the troubles the confederacyRead MoreThe Battle Of Antietam And The Civil War876 Words   |  4 Pagessentence perfectly represents the Battle of Antietam as a turning point in the Civil War and its effect on America decades later. The small step was one man s step on the moon just like the Battle of Antietam was just another battle during the Civil War, but they were short and impactful events that revolutionized their fields. America s advances in science and technology would not be the same without that one step on the moon. Similarly, without this one battle, America s modern beliefs on slaveryRead MoreA Brief Note On The Battle Of Antietam1367 Words   |  6 PagesThe Battle of Antietam started the morning of September 17, 1862 at 0600. Union troops of the First and Twelfth Corps made their way across Antietam Creek the day before in efforts to attack the left flank. From 0600 to 1000, the Union troops were with Confederates un der Major General Thomas â€Å"Stonewall† Jackson. This engagement occurred in a 24-acre cornfield. These were the most deadly hours of the battle; over 8,000 casualties were killed at this time. As Union General Joseph Hooker later wroteRead MoreThe Civil War : The Battle Of Antietam969 Words   |  4 Pageswere many reasons why the battles were fought. During the Civil War, the president was Abraham Lincoln. There were many reasons why the war was fought, but the main reason was to keep the country together. Before the war, the North and South had some conflicts. During the Civil War, the slavery was one issue why the war was fought too. There were many battles that were fought between the North and the South. Most of the battles were fought in the South. Among the battles of the Civil War, there was

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Argumentative Essay On Islamophobia - 805 Words

The United States Representative Andrà © Carson shows strong passion when it comes to Islamophobia in the United States; publicly voicing his opinion by saying â€Å"Donald Trumps impulsivity concerns me. He’s fanning the flames of xenophobia and Islamophobia, and the American people are speaking out against it.† Islamophobia, as defined by Merriam Webster as an irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against Islam or people who practice Islam. Islamophobia is all too common in the United States. Ever since the Trump announced his candidacy for president, his â€Å"disturbing,† â€Å"disgusting,† and â€Å"outrageous† are the terms many are using for explaining his rhetoric. While many Republicans argue that Islam deserves the rhetoric they are†¦show more content†¦Any academic source will completely back the notion that Islam in its entirety is not a hate-filled religion. The right is making them seem like they are all hateful, but the majority are peace-loving religious followers Hate crimes are a second major hurdle Muslims need to jump. Hate crimes are issues that, regardless of political opinion, need to be addressed. Conservatives and liberals alike all agree that persecution of ones beliefs is wrong. Hate crimes have been on the rise ever since terrorists attacked the twin towers on September 11, 2001. Terrorism results in blaming the entirety of the Islam for the actions of those the perpetrators, rather than just upon those who committed the crime. Islamophobic attacks have been destroying communities internationally; everything from shootings, rapes, robberies, to mosque burnings, have been seen by the by the Greater Manchester Police. The Greater Manchester Police revealed an alarming figure to the European populous; a five-hundred-and-five percent increase in hate crimes against Muslims who had done absolutely nothing wrong, Muslims who are following their own set of beliefs, your neighbor, teacher, firefighter, clerk(Halliday). All Muslims see an i mpact. Hate crimes can come from many different sources. Terrorism is, and will always, drive Islamophobia; there is no way of changing

Social Class An Inspector Calls Essay Example For Students

Social Class An Inspector Calls Essay How does J. B Priestly Turn What He Has Seen, thought and felt into literature and whats your opinion of the view of life which he presents to us in An Inspector Calls?  J. B Priestly was born in Bradford 1894. His father was a school teacher and his mother died while Priestly was very young. He attended Grammar school but he left school to pursue his passion for writing and literature whilst working as a clerk in an office. In this period of time the social classes were very distinguishable, only rich men could vote, and the opinions of the poor were ignored. In 1914 at the age of twenty, Priestly was called to fight in the first world war. He became increasingly angry at the decisions made by the upper classes who were in charge of the war, as he saw many of his friends and colleagues die. What he saw in the war made Priestly want to give the upper class a message through his writing. Priestly believed the world, especially the upper classes werent ready for war. An inspector calls was written in 1945 after the second world war had ended. The play has many examples of how Priestly thought the class system was wrong, Priestly did this knowing it would mostly be the upper classes that saw the play. The characters in the play each portray a certain social class or generation.  Mr Birling represents the upper class male. He is very arrogant towards the lower class. He is also very greedy, his daughter Sheila is engaged to Gerald Croft another wealthy business man; however Birling sees the marriage not as love but more of a business deal, Your father and I have been friendly rivals in business for some time now-though Crofts Limited are both older and bigger than Birling and Company-and now youve brought us together, and perhaps we can look forward to time when Crofts and Birlings are no longer competing but working together-for lower costs and higher prices. This proves the greedy nature of Mr Birling. He is a stereo-type of the upper class, this makes it easier for the audience to relate this. Mr Birling thinks he is always right and is superior to others, Priestly had experienced many times the beliefs by the upper classes that they knew more and had more valid opinions. The Germans dont want war. Nobody wants war, except some half-civilised folks in the Balkans. He states superiority to some kind of inferior race. A lot of the time he thinks he knows everything when really he doesnt. Like when he starts rambling on about the Titanic and how its unsinkable. The audience of Priestlys time knows the Titanic sank, and that Birling is one of these know it alls. When the Inspector arrives Birling appears not to care about Eva Smith and instead wishes the inspector would go away: Hes always trying to disassociate himself from Evas death. Suicide of course. Yes, yes. Horrible business. But I dont understand why you should come here, Inspector- This shows Birling trying to disassociate himself.  Later, when the inspector has revealed that Mr Birling sacked Eva, Birling is talking about how he had to come down sharp on the working class or else they would have been asking for the Earth, the inspector replies,  They might. But after all its better to ask for the Earth than to take it. This is aimed at Birling because he is exploiting the poor, and taking what he wants from them with out remorse. Priestly comments on this because he wants the upper class to stop acting in such a selfish way. .uc5f897d74e7aed8789ea569c36504602 , .uc5f897d74e7aed8789ea569c36504602 .postImageUrl , .uc5f897d74e7aed8789ea569c36504602 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc5f897d74e7aed8789ea569c36504602 , .uc5f897d74e7aed8789ea569c36504602:hover , .uc5f897d74e7aed8789ea569c36504602:visited , .uc5f897d74e7aed8789ea569c36504602:active { border:0!important; } .uc5f897d74e7aed8789ea569c36504602 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc5f897d74e7aed8789ea569c36504602 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc5f897d74e7aed8789ea569c36504602:active , .uc5f897d74e7aed8789ea569c36504602:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc5f897d74e7aed8789ea569c36504602 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc5f897d74e7aed8789ea569c36504602 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc5f897d74e7aed8789ea569c36504602 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc5f897d74e7aed8789ea569c36504602 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc5f897d74e7aed8789ea569c36504602:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc5f897d74e7aed8789ea569c36504602 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc5f897d74e7aed8789ea569c36504602 .uc5f897d74e7aed8789ea569c36504602-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc5f897d74e7aed8789ea569c36504602:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: God forbid EssayMrs Birling is just as bad as her husband if not worse. When Eva is near the end of her troubles she turns to Mrs Birling who owns a charity group aiding people. When Eva arrives, she uses the name Mrs Birling. Mrs Birling is angry at this and therefore closes Evas case. Leaving Eva with no help even from a charity group. Priestly hates how the upper class are so selfish and single minded. Up until that point Eva had been sacked twice, fell in love then dumped in an instant, got pregnant from a one night stand and then was turned down by the only help she could get. Mrs Birling also believes every thing Mr Birling says about the working class. Gerald is another member of the upper class who is always agreeing with Mr Birling,  Birling: They worked us hard in those days and kept us short of cash. Though even then-we broke out and had a bit of fun sometimes  Gerald: Ill bet you did. Gerald is agreeing with him probably because Mr Birling seems to him as much older and wiser although Geralds family are more wealthy than Birlings. Gerald greatly exploits the poor like Birling does in work, with low wages and getting higher prices for himself.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Young Goodman Brown Argumentative Essay Example For Students

Young Goodman Brown Argumentative Essay Nathaniel Hawthorne comes from an interesting background. He was born in Salem and later returned to live there. He was a descendant of William Hathorne, a puritan judge who persecuted Quakers, and John Hathorne, a puritan magistrate who participated in the Salem witch trials. Hawthorne’s kinship to these two notables of puritan history makes the story â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,† all the more interesting. Hawthorne alludes to John Hathorne when he writes about Goodman Brown’s â€Å"fellow traveler† commenting on Brown’s grandfather, who â€Å"lashed the Quaker woman so smartly through the streets of Salem.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Young Goodman Brown† is about one man’s journey through the woods with the devil and his encounters that make him doubt his faith in himself, his wife, and the community in which they reside. The theme of this story is that beyond any intangible evil, the evil that men do is ultimately the more damaging. Throughout the s tory Hawthorne uses setting and characters as symbols representing different aspects of good and evil and he uses the plot to develop the eventual win-over of evil over â€Å"Goodman† Brown’s â€Å"Faith.†Not surprisingly â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† takes place in Salem during the puritan era. The story begins with Goodman Brown departing from his wife in the village to meet with and take a stroll in the forest with a â€Å"fellow-traveler† the devil. We will write a custom essay on Young Goodman Brown Argumentative specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The contrast between the forest and the town is symbolic. On the outside, it seems like a normal, religious puritan village, but when one goes in deep, one sees there is a center of darkness. The deep, dark forest in the puritan town represents the internal evil of the villagers. The forest is viewed as mysterious, unknown and inhabited by the devil, while the town is pleasant safe and where his wife, â€Å"Faith,† is. During Goodman Brown’s walk through the â€Å"dark forest,† he sees and learns that many of his mentors and relatives have chosen the path of evil. The forest is where all the respectable people of the town go to vent their evil while outside of the forest, they seem like they are pure and good. Hawthorne adds to the symbolism by personifying the trees â€Å"which barely stood aside to let the narrow path creep through† as Brown â€Å"walks alongside a dreary road.†Hawthorne uses the characters of the story also to represent good and evil. The names of the main character and his wife are ironic. Faith, in the literal context of the story, is Goodman Brown’s wife. In the connotative sense, Faith represents Brown’s actual faith in God and goodness of humankind. She is a symbol of Brown’s faith who then becomes tainted by evil. The pink ribbons in Faith’s cap represent purity, white, tainted by the evilness of the devil, red. He believes that his wife, Faith is good. Although the devil shows Brown that his father, the deacon, and the rest of the townspeople turned to evil, he will not go with the Devil because of his thoughts of Faith. There is a certain point in the journey when he asks where his Faith is, at this point, he is symbolically seeking his own faith in goodness, or the righteous path and is wondering why he is on this path with the devil. Toward the end, when he sees his wife among the others in the woods, a participant of the ceremony, he loses faith. He wakes up and is lef t miserable, alone and distrustful of all the villagers including his wife. The main character’s name, Goodman Brown, is ironic because for all his â€Å"goodness† and faith in his beliefs, he becomes the one person in the village who personifies evil. In the end of the story, the event changes Goodman Brown’s life and, whether it was reality or a trick played by the devil in Brown’s dream, the effect it had on him lasts the rest of his life. Brown doesn’t trust anyone, He doubts everyone, and sees evil in everyone. He becomes â€Å"stern, sad, darkly meditative, and distrustful.† Brown would not participate in singing holy psalms. Goodman Brown â€Å"would turn pale whenever the minister spoke from the bible.† He shrank from his wife, scowled when his â€Å"family knelt down for prayer† and his â€Å"dying

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Child Beauty Pageants Should Be Banned Essay Example

Child Beauty Pageants Should Be Banned Essay Example Child Beauty Pageants Should Be Banned Essay Child Beauty Pageants Should Be Banned Essay Child beauty pageants should be banned Child beauty pageants should be banned because they cause children, especially little girls, to use artificial means to boost their self esteem. People were not born with makeup, spray tans, big hair, and false teeth. Beauty pageants set false rules on beauty. They make children believe they have to wear make-up, jewelry, wigs, fake nails, and other acessories to be beautiful. Every child is beautiful in their own way. Their beauty is natural and they shouldnt have to have anyones opinion on the way they look. Beauty pageants can also cause serious mental and health issues. They can lead to depression, anorexia, suicide, and many other serious issues. Children might starve themselves to lose which could lead to eating disorders. Beauty pageants can cause depression, and depression may later lead to a suicide Children shouldnt be forced to be in pageants. Mothers try to live their dream through their children. Children shouldnt get their lives taken away from them. They only get one childhood, they dont get it back after its over. Any parent placing their child in these types of pageants, based solely on looks, is giving their child the attitude that appearance can get you anywhere in life. It is wrong to teach children that looks are the most important asset to possess. I am not stating that children shouldnt be encouraged to develop a talent or skill, and compete with that talent or skill, I am stating that competing over looks is sending the wrong message to children.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Post ww2 fiction and film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Post ww2 fiction and film - Essay Example In The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie similarly damaged people are considered, particularly the title character who draws a few to her but rejects many others. A Clockwork Orange portrays a nightmarish future world, taking several features of 1950’s/1960’s life to their logical conclusions. The title is suggestive of all these works: the people appear to be alive on the outside, but are â€Å"clockwork† (dead) within. The extent to which novels and films can reflect actual problems within society versus the fact that they are reflections of an individual author’s/filmmaker’s view of the world is one that can never be entirely resolved. In reality, novelists and directors live within societies and are thus influenced by them, yet at the same time they are portraying their individual perspectives. Three very distinct novels, such as The Prime of Miss Jean Brody, Saturday Night and Sunday Morning and A Clockwork Orange, reflect often nightmarish versions of society. A common theme among all three of them is the place of the individual within society. That is, how far can the individual act in a purely independent manner versus the need to conform? Each novel tackles this question in a different manner and comes to contrasting conclusions. The main characters in each novel are indeed â€Å"individualistic†, in the fact that they follow their own course (often counter to what â₠¬Ëœsociety’ wants for them), and their often difficult fates illustrate the dangers of being an individual. The issue of conformity versus eccentricity is as relevant today as it was in post-war British society, and thus can inform a discussion of problems that are being faced today. The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie is set in Scotland during the 1930’s. As such it represents a consideration of the interwar rather than the post-war period., but many of its themes resonate to the latter period. The teacher of the title is determined to actually teach the young women at her

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

British American Tobacco Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

British American Tobacco - Essay Example This is not required under generally accepted accounting standards in United Kingdom. As of December 2004, this resulted to additional deferred tax liability of 49 million pounds ( January 1, 2004 and 40 million pounds ) And for the year ended Dec 31, 2005 an additional charge of 7 million pounds. Under IFRS, it is necessary to provide deferred tax on the difference between the carrying values and tax base of assets in operations which use inflation accounting, and also all differences between the carrying values and tax base for land and buildings. As of December 2004, these resulted to an additional deferred tax liability of 16 million pounds. Under United Kingdom GAAP, the final dividend for the year is provided but on page 84 in accounting policy 15, under International financial accounting standards, it is should be provided in the year it is declared. Under United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting principles, certain of the group’s share based compensation plans did not result in a charge as they had no value or were finance thru issue of new shares of stocks. However the schemes financed by the purchase of shares did have value and were charged to operating profit over the vesting period based on the share price at the date of grant. Under International financial accounting standards, all share schemes will result in a charge based on fair market value of the grant as described on page 82 in accounting policy no. 7. e) Under the United Kingdom generally accepted accounting principles and international financial reporting standards, basic earnings per share are based on the profit attributable to ordinary earnings per share as based on the profit attributable to ordinary shareholders during this period. (This excludes shares held by the group's two employee share ownership trusts.) The difference between United kingdom Generally accepted accounting principles and international financial reporting standards figures is the due to the result of different treatment of the profit and amortisation of goodwill. For the United Kingdom generally accepted accounting principles, the adjusted diluted earnings per share uses same shares, investment costs written off, profit on disposal of subsidiaries and fixed asset investments, goodwill amortisation/impairment of brands and the exceptional credits arising from tax recoveries in Reynolds America in 2004. e) Under the International Financial Reporting Standards, the group will report regional business segments regional business as for United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. But Group costs, which are corporate costs that are not directly attributable to a particular segment of reporting will now be shown as a separate line in the segmental analysis. f) On page 83 in accounting policy 15, International Accounting Standards no 32 and International Accounting standards no 39 on the financial instruments will be used prospectively effectively starting January 1, 2005." REFERENCE: Director's report and account 2004.British American Tobacco. COMMENT: We have to follow the international fin

Friday, January 31, 2020

Domino’s Sizzle with Pizza Tracker Essay Example for Free

Domino’s Sizzle with Pizza Tracker Essay Abstract The purpose of this case study is to exam how Domino’s pizza uses Information Systems to regain their share of the Home Delivery pizza market. I’ll discuss how Domino’s overcome a bad reputation and improved their product and services. I will also discuss the changes and process systems implemented along with where they currently stand in the market and with their customers. I will finish with the technology Domino’s plans to use in the future. Domino’s Pizza Sizzles with Pizza Tracker This case study discusses the impact that information systems and global e-business has had on Domino’s Pizzas’ reemergence as an industry leader in the home-delivery pizza market. It looks into what kind of systems are used, how the systems improve business performance, how their online pizza ordering system has improved the ordering process and how the systems are giving Domino’s a competitive edge. Domino’s opened in 1960 and grew to 200 stores in 1978 and currently operates almost 9000 stores worldwide and has the largest share of the approximate $15 Billion/year pizza market. They compete with Pizza Hut, Papa John’s and Little Caesar’s along with local pizza shops. Despite being one of the most well-known brands in the United States, between 2006 and 2008 Domino’s Pizza was in crisis. After leaving Pepsi, Chief Marketing Office Russell Weiner joined Domino’s and inherited a brand with plummeting sales and a bad image due to their lackluster product. A month after he joined the company, sales hit a record low of $2.83 a share in November 2008 and today, it’s up around $72 a share. (Jeff Beer, 2014). Trying to overcome the reputation of having the worst pizza, in 2009, Domino’s CEO  acknowledged in a commercial that Domino’s pizza doesn’t taste good. He apologized for its poor ingredients and promised to improve t he recipe. After that statement was made, store sales grew 14.3% the following quarter. (Forbes Magazine, 2013). Domino’s had $1.5 Billion in sales and earned $80 million in profit that year. Domino’s made their customers a promise to provide better ingredients which they did, but the most important ingredient has been the technology and investment in digital and mobile where they’ve made it faster and easier for customers to place and track orders. In 2003, Domino’s implemented a Transaction Processing System (TPS) called â€Å"Pulse† as a point-of-sale system. Pulse helps Domino’s maintain consistent and efficient management functions in each of their stores. The Data from purchases and payments from orders are captured by this computerized system and recorded. Pulse captures the information from the customer’s order such as type of crust, toppings, side dishes and delivery locations. Once the data is collected, pulse will calculate the number of pizzas and side orders sold, cost of ingredients along with delivery and customer information. The stores in which Pulse was installed reported improved customer services, reduced mistakes and shorter training times. Domino’s most recently updated to â€Å"Pulse Evolution† which is faster, less expensive and easier to maintain. From an operational standpoint, you can use Information Systems to gain a cost advantage over competitors or to differentiate yourself by offering better customer service. (Bert Markgraf, 2015). Since January 2010, shares of Domino’s have significantly surpassed the competition rising 750% while Papa John’s grew 193% and Pizza Hut grew 93%. The Story was the same in 2013 with Domino’s shares increasing 51% while Papa John’s shares increased 30% and Pizza Hut shares were flat for the year. (Forbes, 2013). The latest innovation from  Domino’s (Pizza Tracker) allows a customer to watch a simulated version of their pizza being made all the way through to the finished product. This is another way that Domino’s has used Information Systems and E-Business to reach their customers. The Journal of General Management several success factors for e-commerce. Support self-service in which a web user should be enabled to complete transactions with ease. Nurture customer relationships where up front efforts should focus on increasing customer loyalty, not necessarily maximizing sales. Target a market of one where each customer should be treated as an individual market. Build communities of interest. A company should make its web site a destination that customers look forward to visiting, not simply a resource people use because they have to conduct a transaction. Online ordering has become the cornerstone of Domino’s business with IPad apps such as pizza tracker, pizza hero, customer pizza profiles and the newest featuring a 3-D pizza builder. Domino’s research shows customers by pizza 21 times each year; it gets six or seven of those orders and a similar amount might go to Pizza Hut which showed them that loyalty was not strong. (Forbes, 2013). Along with Pizza Tracker, Domino’s Pizza Profiles have helped retain customers and generate more loyalty from customers. Pizza Profiles allow customers who order online to save their information and reorder their favorite order in as little as five clicks, or about 30 seconds. The company now has mobile apps to cover about 95% of smartphones  and says it generates $2 billion in global digital sales per year of which 35% is driven by mobile. (Forbes, 2013). Domino’s locations are opening faster than Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, Pizza Hut and McDonalds since 2008 and have used Business Systems to its fullest to rise to the top. The biggest single department at Domino’s headquarters is now IT and they’re starting to also be known as a Tech company. (Jeff Beer, 2014) Coming soon is the â€Å"DomiCopter† which is a remote controlled  drone that delivers their product. Domino’s has run several tests and may soon introduce the delivery service to the market. REFERENCES 1. Touryalai, H. â€Å"Technology, not pizza, helps Domino’s crush competitors and grow faster than McDonald’s overseas.† Forbes 15 Oct 2013; web 2. Beer, J (2014, May 22). â€Å"How Domino’s became a tech company.† Retrieved from 3. Markgraf, B (2015, January 14). â€Å"Importance of information systems in an organization.† Retrieved from 4. Barnatt, C. â€Å"Embracing E-Business.† Journal of General Management, 2004; 89 – 97.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

My Teaching Philosophy Essay -- Education Educational Essays

My Teaching Philosophy Education. What is Education? What does it mean to be an educator? Education is a field of study dealing with methods of teaching and learning. I feel that education goes far beyond the teaching aspect. It is my job as a teacher to make sure that every student has a better understanding and knowledge towards helping others. In doing this I plan on teaching them strict morals such as how to be respectful, considerate, and appreciative of themselves and others throughout their life. In this paper, I plan to describe to you my personal beliefs on being a successful teacher, my goals and aspirations, and my philosophies on how I plan to teach each of my students and help them feel more confident about learning and themselves. Approximately two years ago I really started thinking about my life and where I was going with it. During that summer, I decided that my life wasn't up to me, but it was about what God wants for me. I went to a church camp that summer and decided that it was my turn to be the educator. Joshua 1:9 says, "Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee withersoever thou goest." I know that God is with me throughout all of my decisions. I also know that if I am doing his will for my life, he will grant me the wisdom and knowledge that I need to become the best educator possible. I believe that showing my students my Christian beliefs and morals, will help reflect upon their lives. Knowing that I have been a lasting impact on someone will bring, to me, the largest amount of joy possible. Teaching good morals and ethics will be important in my classroom. Some parents believe that... ...I plan on seeking a job in West Virginia, and gradually working on my master's. Having an impact on all the students I have is my goal. It may be outrageous, but I have the desire to achieve that goal. I want every student that I have to jump out of bed every morning and rush to school ready and willing to learn. Being an educator is not about myself, it is about each and every one of the students I will come across in my lifetime as a teacher. I am not entering this profession for the money or the holidays off, but for each of those young children that want to learn. Will I have a lasting impact on each of the students? Will they remember me when they are twenty years old sitting behind the computer typing their philosophy paper? Will I influence their life? That is my goal. As I said earlier, being an educator is not about me, it is about the children.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Analysis of Bao-yu’s dream in Cao Xueqin’s ‘Story of the Stone’ Essay

The Story of the Stone by Cao Xueqin is an animated, lively account of life in a large Chinese household in the mid-18th century Qing dynasty. It remains a fascinating novel for modern readers with its vivid and detailed descriptions of the minutiae of daily life – from clothing, food and interior design to education, marriage and death. For all its realism however, The Story of the Stone is not set entirely in reality. The very premise of the whole tale, that of a single rock left out of the goddess Nu-wa’s repairing of the sky, is one based on a magico-religious dream world. The rock is found by a Buddhist and a Taoist who take it down to the mortal world where it lives out a human life, that of Jia Bao-yu, before attaining Nirvana. Once a rock again, a Taoist copies the inscription on its surface †from beginning to end and took it back with him to look for a publisher†. Cao Xueqin’s emphasis on dreams can be seen in the alternative titles for his m asterpiece. A Dream of Red Mansions is the title by which the book is perhaps most commonly known. Twelve Young Ladies of Jinling is also a title suggested in chapter one. Both of these titles refer to the same dream. As David Hawkes explains, ‘hong lou’, red mansion, has the more specialised meaning of the residences of the daughters of rich men and thus, the young ladies themselves. The dream alluded to in these appellations occurs in the fifth chapter of volume one, The Golden Days. Cousin Zhen’s wife, You-shi, has invited the women of the Rong-guo house, accompanied by Bao-yu, round for a flower viewing party. Needless to say, Bao-yu soon tires and asks to take a nap. Rather than going back to the Rong mansion, the wife of his nephew, Jia Rong, leads him to her chamber to sleep. Bao-yu immediately drops off into a vivid dream world. He meets the fairy of Disenchantment who shows him to the Land of Illusion and into the Department of the Ill-Fated Fair. Within this department is housed the ‘Jinling, Twelve Beauties of, Main Register’, a record of the twelve most notable females in Bau-yu’s own province of Jinling. The fairy of Disenchantment allows Bao-yu to read the fates of the twelve girls as recorded in the form of four-line verses. Bao-yu can make little sense of what he reads. Later, the quatrains are expanded into a series of twelve songs entitled A Dream of Golden Days. While the words are sung by a troupe of entertainers, Bao- yu reads along with the manuscript. He still does not understand. Indeed, both the verses in the register and in the song-cycle contain allusions and metaphors not immediately obvious and not easily deciphered. Yet at a most basic level, they provide an outline of the fate of twelve principle female characters in The Story of the Stone. Their fate unfolds throughout the course of the five volume novel. The Golden Days therefore, is only the beginning. But, by the end of the first volume, to what extent have the women already prepared the way for their future course? The first verse in the Main Register is a joint record of Lin Dai-yu and Xue Bao-chai. These two young girls share the affection of Bao-yu and Grandmother Jia. In their own individual ways, they are both paragons. It seems odd therefore that they share only one verse between them. Hawkes puts forward the argument that Dai-yu and Bao-chai †represent two complementary aspects of a single ideal woman†. Evidence for this interpretation lies in the first two lines of their quatrain: One was a pattern of female virtue, One a wit who made other wits seem slow. The combination of wit, or intelligence, and virtue were ideal traits in a Qing woman of the upper class. Arguably it was Dai-yu who held the upper hand in wit while Bao-chai, with her †generous and accommodating disposition†, was the more virtuous. Although in the song-cycle there are two songs for Dai-yu and Bao-chai, it is not the case that one is dedicated to Dai-yu and one to Bao-chai. Albeit the second so ng is solely about Dai-yu, but there are references to both characters in the first song. The character ‘lin’ in Lin Dai-yu is made up of two tree radicals and has the meaning ‘forest’. ‘Xue’ in Xue Bao-chai sounds the same as the Chinese word for ‘snow’ while ‘bao chai’ can be translated as ‘precious’ or ‘gold hairpin’. Thus, the references come in the form of gold, flowers, snow and trees. Bao-yu is alluded to using jade or stone as he was born with a jade stone in his mouth. The first song, The Mistaken Marriage, refers to †the marriage rites of gold and jade†. This foreshadows the marriage of Bao-chai (gold) and Bao-yu (jade). The speaker however, still remembers the relationship between ‘stone and flower’. There is indeed, a special bond between Bao-yu and Dai-yu. Although Bao-yu, †a child†¦whom nature had endowed with the eccentric obtuseness of a simpleton†, fails to recognise it, Dai-yu is an intensely jealous character and resents any time he spends with Bao-chai and not her. Bao-yu struggles to understand the cause of Dai-yu’s mainly irrational sulks, yet always attempts to comfort her: Take kinship first: you are my cousin on Father’s side; cousin Bao is only a mother-cousin. That makes you much the closer kin. And as for length of acquaintance: it was you who came here first. You and I have practicaly grown up together†¦Why should I ever be any less close to you because of her? There is a profound love between Bao-yu and Dai-yu that seems to grow with the progression of the first volume. They share an understanding †so intense that it was almost as if they had grown into a single person.† The speaker suggests however, that later on Dai-yu (†that fairy wood†) dies. Thus, even a wife †so courteous and so kind† as Bao-chai is no substitute for the wife that Dai-yu could have been. Their marriage, even though †others all commend it†, is a mistake. This is succeeded by Hope Betrayed which deals specifically with the close relationship between Dai-yu (†a flower from paradise†) and Bao-yu (†a pure jade without spot or stain†). They are clearly meant for each other but the poem augurs future disaster. The pain heartache that stems from such an ardent love will all be in vain. In one sense these two poems pose an insurrmountable contradiction. Fate, the belief in which provides the premise for this entire dream scene, will have them be together but they are not. They are meant to be but cannot and this inability is portrayed as some kind of mistake, a going against the natural order. Is there then, even such a thing as fate? This question aside, it can be seen that, in the case of Dai-yu and Bao-chai, their journey has barely begun by the end of The Golden Days. Their relationship with Bao-yu is entirely platonic (physically at least) and, although it is perhaps assumed that one of them, most likely Dai-yu, will be be Bao-yu’s future bride, this is only hinted at in jest among the maids and is a source of great embarassement to Dai-yu. The second quatrain and the third poem can be interpretted as Yuan-chun’s fate. Yuan-chun, daughter of Lady Wang and Jia Zheng, is Bao-yu’s elder sister. The first two lines describe her, age twenty, leaving her family to live in the emperor’s palace as a royal concubine. As can be seen by the subsequent effort put into a lavish garden compund in honour fo her visit, this was a posi tion held in great esteem. Although out of modesty, Yuan-chun later changes the name, the setting for her reunion with her family within Prospect Garden initially bears the inscription ‘Precinct of the Celsetial Visitant’. Hence perhaps, the use of the phrase †pomegranate-time†. Hawkes stresses the †redness’ of the original Chinese text, the colour red being a symbol of good-fortune and prosperity. Although much of this sense has inevitably been lost in translation, the red skin of the pomegranate could perhaps be taken as emphasising the great advantages such a position could bestow on both concubine and family. The second half of the quatrain however, does not bode so well for the future. Although Yuan-chun is superior if not in beauty and intelligence then in success to her half-sister Tan-chun and her cousins, Ying-chun and Xi-chun (the †three springs†), her charmed life will come to an end †when hare meets tiger†. Hare and tiger refer to Chinese years. Thus, this prophecy specifies that the date of Yuan-chun’s death will fall at the end of a tiger year and at the beginning of a rabbit year. The third song, Mutability, again prophesises Yuan-chun’s departure from the Rong-guo household to the emperor’s palace. It goes on to describe her appearing before her parents in a dream to pay her †final duty†, forewarning again of her death. By the end of The Golden Days Yuan-chun has indeed left home to become a royal concubine. Although the location of the Jia clan in The Story of the Stone is questionable, it is clear that Yuan-chun and he r family feel cut off from each other in spirit if not by physical distance. Their reunion in chapter eighteen is an emotional one and although the emperor allows visits in the palace once a month, special permission must be granted for a once-yearly return to the family home. It is for this reason, †so far the road back home did seem†, that Yuan-chun will be forced to pay her final filial duties in a dream. (Hawkes points out that this dream sequence never in fact took place. He suggests that Xueqin used the material for this episode in chapter thirteen instead, when Qin-shi appears before Xi-feng in a dream.) Tan-chun, half-sister to Yuan-chun, one of the †three springs† referred to above and daughter of Jia Zheng and a concubine, is the subject of the fourth quatraine in the Main Register. She is †by far the most gifted of the three springs† as well as possessing a kind, generous nature. The first line, †Blessed with a shrewd mind and a noble heart†, is countered however, by the second, †Yet born in time of twilight and decay†. Although The golden Days is essentially a story set in the happy, carefree years of childhood, the bigger picture reveals a time of political and social upheaval, a sense of which permeates many aspects of the novel. Tan-chun’s prophesised marriage in the final two lines will thus perhaps be related to economic considerations. The marriage will clearly not be a happy one. The very title of the fourth song, From Dear Ones Parted, suggests the insuperable distance between Tan-chun and her home and her intense homsickness. The song has Tan-chun referring to †our rising, falling†, meaning the rise and fall of the Jia family. As a result of this, †each in another land must be, each for himself must fend as best he may†, again suggesting that the marriage will be one of economic convenience. Apa rt from allusions to her wit and good character, we learn little about Tan-chun in the first volume of The Story of the Stone. There are however, hints to be found as to her fate. In chapter 22, she attends Grandmother Jia’s riddle party. Asked to compose a riddle, the answer to Tan-chun’s is ‘a kite’. This image of a kite as associated with Tan-chun symbolizes her departure †a thousand miles† away, her flight from the nest. Her riddle also foreshadows her unhappiness once in the marriage: My strength all goes when once the bond is parted, And on the wind I drift off broken hearted. This description of drifting off in the wind ties in with the suggestion in the song that she will be taken to her new husband by boat †through rain and wind†. Like Tan-chun, relatively little reference is made to Shi Xiang-yun, the subject of the fourth quatrain and fifth song. She is the daughter of Grandmother Jia’s brother’s son. Orphaned as a young girl, she first lived with Grandmother Jia before moving in with her uncle, Shi Ding, and his wife. It seems from both the register and the song, that Xiang-yun is destined to find the man of her dreams, †a perfect, gentle husband†. But happiness will be fleeting: Soon you must mourn your bright sunâ€⠄¢s early setting. The Xiang flows and the Chu clouds sail away. The Xiang was a river flowing through the ancient kingdom of Chu. This was believed to be home to a goddess of lovers. But soon †the clouds of Gao-tang faded, the waters of the Xiang ran dry.† This suggests another calamity, perhaps the sudden death of her husband. There is no intimation of Xiang-yun’s fate in The Golden Days. The main scene involving her is one of comic relief as Dai-yu teases her about her lisp and Xiang-yun responds good-humouredly. The impression created is of a happy-go-lucky, lively young girl, quite a contrast from the rather intense and moody Dai-yu. This is best illustrated in Xueqin’s description of them asleep: Dai-yu was tightly cocooned in a quilt of apricot-coloured damask, the picture of tranquil repose. Xiang-yun, by contrast, lay with her hank of jet black hair tumbled untidily beside the pillow, a white arm with its two gold bracelets thown carelessly outside the bedding and two white shoulders exposed above the peach-pink coverlet, which barely reached her armpits. ‘A tomboy, even in her sleep!’ Bao-yu muttered†¦ The sixth woman included in the register is the only one of the twelve who is not a member of the Jia family. Adamantina nevertheless lives among them in Prospect Garden after Yuan-chun issues an edict stating that the garden is not to be closed up. She is a nun and this is reflected in the descriptions of her †otherworldliness† and her †grace and wit to match the gods† that set her †with the rest at odds. Nauseous to [her] the world’s rank diet.â⠂¬  Her final destination however, is clearly one of disrepute. In both the quatrain and the song, she ends up in the mud, impure and shameful. The fact that down here, †only wealthy rakes might bless their luck† suggests that Adamantina will end her days as perhaps a prostitute. By the end of The Golden Days however, she is still a nun who †looks down on common flesh and blood† The seventh of the Twelve Beauties of Jinling is Ying-chun, the eldest of the three springs. She is Jia She’s daughter by a concubine. With the arrival of Dai-yu and Bao-chai, the three springs are relugated to a secondary position in Grandmother Jia’s affections. Ying-chun is thus a rather underdeveloped character in The Golden Days. The sixth entry in the register and the seventh poem both suggest that she will be married off to a violent, unfaithful and cruel bully. There is no hint of this fate in the first volume of the novel. The Golden Days gives away equally little about the subject of the next quatrain and song, Xi-chun. Sister of Cousin Zhen and the youngest of the three springs, seems destined to seek release †from youth’s extravagance† and †to win chaste quietness and heavenly peace† by becoming a Buddhist nun. Wang Xi-feng on the other hand, wife of Jia Lian and cousin to Bao-yu, plays a far more prominent role in The Golden Days. She is a very strong character, a feminist role-model. She has all the qualities of the ideal wife with her managerial prowess and defere nce to her elders, and yet she always manages to be on top. This combination of cunning and virtue can best be seen in the chapters dealing with Qin-shi’s funeral. Having been relegated posthumously to the status of a Noble Dame, the funeral is a grand affair. The sheer cost and man-power involved is staggering and Xi-feng is put in charge of it all. Nevertheless, she manages it with †the decisiveness of a little general†. On the night of the wake, her maturity and superior social skills are further demonstrated when it is left entirely to her to do the honours. Xi-feng’s vivacious charm and social assurance stood out in striking contrast†¦She was in her element, and if she took any notice of her humbler sisters it was only to throw out an occassional order or to bend them in some other way to her imperious will. This can be juxtaposed with the episode in the next chapter when, after the funeral, Xi-feng, Bao-yu and Qin-zhong spend the night in the Water-moon Priory. The prioress Euergesia, catching Xi-feng alone, tells her the story of a benefactor of the priory called Zhang. He is desperate to call off his daughter’s engagement to the son of a captain in the Chang-an garrison. The captain however, is being thoroughly unreasonable and refusing to take back the betrothal-gifts. Euergesia beseeches Xi-feng to use her unfluence to get Jia Zheng to write a letter to General Yun asking h im to †have a word with† the captain because †It is hardly likely that he would refuse to obey his commading officer.† Xi-feng coyly turns her down until Euergesia questions Xi-feng’s ability. Xi-feng ‘relents’ and agrees to take part for the the not so small sum of three thousand taels of silver. Xi-feng is clearly fiscally-minded and savvy, never one to let an opportunity for profit slip by. The hush-hush manner in which this matter of the captain is broached also suggests that it is rather shady business. Yet, any qualms Xi-feng feigns to have about getting involved seem to be easily forgotten. Xi-feng is indeed, as the ninth song states, †too shrewd by half†. She is too focused on self-advancement but with the fall of the Jia family later in The Story of the Stone, Xi-feng’s plotting and manouevering will all come to nothing: Like a great building’s tottering crash, Like flickering lampwick burned to ash†¦ Although the exact nature of Xi-feng’s future is not specified, it is clear that it is not a bright one. She will, as the title of the ninth song says, be †caught by her own cunning†. Although we see none of her decline in The Golden Days, there are hints of a fall to come. When Qin-shi appears to her in a dream, she warn s Xi-feng of the future fall of the Jai family as a whole. She quotes a proverb: †The higher the climb, the harder the fall.† Could this be referring equally to Xi-feng as to the family? Is there a reason why Qin-shi appears before Xi-feng specifically? The tenth Beautiy of Jinling, interestingly enough, does not even appear in the first volume. Qiao-jie, daughter of Xi-feng, nevertheless has some sort of trouble ahead of her. It seems that no one will be spared pain and grief as the Jia family declines. The penultimate Beauty included on the Main Register is Li Wan, mother of Jia Lan. Li Wan was married to Jia Zhu, brother of Bao-yu. Jia Zhu died before the start of the novel as implied by the third line in the eleventh song, †Ã¢â‚¬ ¦the pleasures of the bridal bed† soon fled. The quatrain suggests that their son, Jia Lan, †her Orchid†, will be successful. The song goes further to describe the †awesome sight† of †the head with cap and bands of office on, and gleaming bright upon his breast the gold insignia†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Jia Lan will later pass the civil service exam and become a high official. It is perhaps slightly far-fetched but one of the few mentions of Jia Lan comes in chapter nine, set in the Jia clan school house. As for Li Wan, there is no hint that †the black night of death’s dark frontier lay close at hand.† It would seem that she tragically dies after her son’s appointment. Finally, there is Qin-shi, the twelfth Beauty of Jinling. She is the young wife of Jia Rong but dies of a mysterious unidentified disease half way through The Gol den Days. Of all the women, Qin-shi is the only one whose whole fate is played out in the course of the first volume. It does not, however, run according to plan. Both the quatrain and the song, The Good Things Have an End, explicitly express that she will hang herself. The most likely reason for her suicide is the family’s discovery of her incestuous affair with her father-in-law, cousin Zhen: Say not our troubles all from Rong’s side came; For their beginning Ning must take the blame. Indeed, there are indications of such intrigue. A drunken servant lets slip, in a fit of rage, †Father-in-law pokes in the ashes†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The reader is clearly meant to take note of this comment, as Bao-yu subsequently questions Xi-feng as to it’s meaning. Xi-feng is quick in quashing any ideas Bao-yu may have on the subject and †terrified by her vehemence, Bao-yu implored her forgiveness.† There is obviously something to hide. Cousin Zhen’s hysterical reaction after her death is also a sign that their relationship was not as it seemed. He is inconsolable, proclaiming: †Now that she has been taken from us it’s plain to see that this senior branch of the family is doomed to extinction!† The poem accordingly, states that her death, †the ruin of a mighty house protended.† Qin-shi’s suicide does not however, take place and she instead dies of natural causes. A reason for this discrepancy is put foward by Hawkes. While Xueqin did originally have Qin-shi hanging herself †from painted beams†, a notation by one of the commentators on the original manuscript states that her †ordered† Xueqin to remove the scene. Xueqin reluctantly did so but, unenthusiastic about the change, failed to make the necessary alterations to the rest of the text. Having examined the fates of the Twelve Beauties of Jinling as expressed in the Main Register of the Department of the Ill Fated Fair and in the fairy of Disenchantment’s song cycle, it becomes immediately obvious that tradgedy lies ahead. With the decline of the Jia family will come a decline in the fortunes of each of the women. It is also clear that by the end of the first volume of The Story of the Stone the story has, in fact, barely begun. The Jia household is still powerful and rich, the child heros are still young and and insouciant, these are still the golden days.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The IQ Debate Essay - 1140 Words

Intelligence can be defined in many different ways. This concept has been the focus of numerous studies and investigations by psychologists and other scientific experts. Intelligence can be the mental ability to reason, plan ahead, understand a wide range of complex issues and learn from past experiences (Gottfredson, 1997). Intelligence is the â€Å"resultant of the process of acquiring, storing in memory, retrieving, combining, comparing, and using in new contexts information and conceptual skills† (Humphreys, 1979) Intelligence is commonly measured through the use of a number of scales and quantitative measures, like the Intelligence Quotient (IQ), developed by Alfred Binet in early 20th century to identify which French children needed†¦show more content†¦Far-right commentators generally support this argument, which has been supported by the findings of a number of researches, including those led by Professor Robert Plomin ( They have also utilised these arguments to explain a wide range of social phenomena, including crime. Other experts have strongly disagreed with this view, arguing that intelligence levels are directly related to situational factors. Environmental factors like the quality of the education system can have a very significant influence in the development of intelligence. Situational factors have been used by psychologists to explain a wide range of phenomena. A great number of sociologists, psychologists and crimin ologist have studied the circumstances and background that makes crime possible, in order to identify the main reasons and causes of crime by looking at the learning process that generates crime. The use of IQ to explain deviancy and crime has greatly influenced the debates of psychologists in this respect. In this respect, studies like those carried out by Sutherland have looked at the role played by psychological issues and disorders. The Differential Association Theory was a theory on crime and deviancy developed by Edwin Sutherland during the thirties. 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